Separate user accounts with shared email addresses

Please please please allow users to create an account with the same email address when a couple shares an email. This is a very common occurrence with our volunteers. We have been getting around this by using fake emails for one half of the couple, but then that person is unable to receive reminder emails or check-in emails. 

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1 Comment

Hello Miranda,

I hope that you are well today!

Currently, our system does not have a way to share an email address on multiple accounts.

This is done to ensure accurate information is captured as one of the primary and required pieces of data we collect from each user is an email address.

This data needs to be accurate and precise as it is key to ensuring we provide accurate reports for site managers.

I understand the inconvenience, however, the user would need to create an email address in order to receive their notifications as well.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

All the best,

Ryan R. | he/him

Data Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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