Order of volunteers and opportunities

 I wish we were able to alphabetize Volunteers and list Opportunities in a specific order all the time instead of having to do it each time we log or page into the program.  It is annoying to have to sort them each time.

Hello, Mary!

I just wanted to get a little clarification about where you envision this enhancement on the site. Are you suggesting to have the ability to alphabetize your Users and Opportunities tables from those areas on the site manager dashboard? Or, are you asking to have that ability on the front-end of the site, where volunteers view and respond to your opportunities? And, were you wanting to have those settings be automatic for every time you log back in? This helps me best share your product suggestion with our development team. 

Thank you!


It would be on the Site Manager site.  It is frustrating to have to use the drop down arrow to alphabetize the volunteers by last name and then go to another page and come back and have to do it again.  Is there a setting that we could use to make alphabetized lists as our landing page on the Users page?

Thank you for your reply and clarification, Mary! 

At this time, there isn't a way to save alphabetical filtering; however, I can see how this enhancement would benefit your workflow! I'm going to share your suggestion with our development team to discuss during an enhancement meeting. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! 



Thank you!  It would be nice to have each of the areas on the user page list able to be saved.  

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