Deadline for Volunteers to Unregister

It would be helpful to be able to set a deadline for volunteers to unregister themselves for events so that we have an accurate count of who to expect. I recently noticed that volunteers are no-showing their shifts and then unregistering during the timeframe of the volunteer shift. For example, a shift started at 1:30 pm and a volunteer waited until 1:50 to unregister from the opportunity. 

If we could set a deadline, such as 3 days or 2 hours before the start of the shift, it would make it so much easier for us to enforce volunteers keeping track of their shifts. 

Thank you! 

1 Comment

Hello, Natalie! 

Thank you for sharing your product suggestion with us! We have received similar enhancement requests for this, so I will share your vote for this enhancement with the development team! 

Have a wonderful rest of your week!



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