Different Notification for Deleted Opportunities

Could you all please create a different automated email for when an opportunity is cancelled than the one that goes out when someone is removed from a shift? This confuses our volunteers every time, because they usually see the deleted response email before they see my email explaining why the shift was cancelled. 

Even better would be for the email explaining why the shift was cancelled to go out at the same time as the deleted shift email. 

1 person likes this idea

Hi Miranda,

I've added this request on our end to review! In the meantime, for these situations we recommend customizing this notification to give some context to the user.

You could add language like, "Your response may have been removed by a manager due to a shift cancellation or [more insights here]. If you have any questions about this shift, feel free to contact [name] at [email]!"

This notification is found in Communication > Notifications and is titled "Unregistered Need Volunteer Confirmation".

I hope this helps!


CX Specialist


That is a great suggestion, thank you!

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