Merge Teams

Hi all,

The ability to merge user accounts is so helpful. 

I have no idea if this is technically possible, I'd love the ability to merge Teams as well. Sometimes a Team Leader makes a Team at the same time our staff is making them a Team and they end up with identical (or very similar) names but they are separate. It would be helpful to merge them so it's easier to find them in the future, is a cleaner record when pulling reports, and makes it easier for a Team Leader to re-add someone to their Team in the future. 

I hope this is possible!



1 person likes this idea

Yes! That is a great idea and would be very helpful to merge after a team has been made. This would also make it so much cleaner when looking back at records.

Hi all,

Happy Friday -- thanks for adding your thoughts on this to our forums. We have not seen this request quite yet, and I will be adding this to our end of things to review. It's always good to think about additional tools that will help clean up reporting.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend!


CX Specialist


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