Opportunities Posting to Multiple Programs

Support suggested I post this:

It is not currently possible to assign an opportunity to multiple programs. We have one opportunity that we want to open up to multiple different regional programs, but do not want to have to go in and check on/manage multiple opportunities for the same activity.  This would be helpful to broadcast programs more widely. 

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Good afternoon, Megan! Thank you for following up from our conversation here and adding your suggestion. 

The site is currently designed to where only one program can be assigned to an opportunity. When it comes to assigning more than one program to an opportunity, this could pose some problems with reporting and questions on who would receive certain notifications and general management. 

After our email exchange, I’ve brainstormed an alternative, great option for you which would be utilizing our Initiatives feature. You can think of the Initiative here representing the overarching “opportunity”, housing multiple opportunities across programs to work towards the same event. This way, each program can create specific volunteer jobs or shifts that they manage and associate it to the same cause. Read more about initiatives here

For example, each regional program could have a cloned version of the primary opportunity. The title of the opportunity can include the name of the region. This could be assigned to an initiative you create, with information about the opportunity that happens across different regions and how folks can choose the one that they are located in or closest to to participate.

Again, thank you for sharing, and don't hesitate to reach out to Support if you have any additional questions around initiatives! 

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