Qualification submission does not lead to a response

We have an opportunity out on our site with qualifications that are set to auto-approve. When someone clicks "respond" they are prompted to complete the qualifications. Once they click "submit qualifications" they are not prompted to continue responding. This is a hindrance to recruitment - especially when the qualification is something simple like a waiver that we want them to fill out. People may complete the waiver and think that they are signed up and there is no way for us to know that they were even interested unless we turn off auto-approval - which only further complicates the sign up. 

Volunteer should be prompted to select a shift and complete sign up after they submit their qualifications - whether or not the qualifications are auto-approval (but especially if they are). They should be listed as "Interested" or "Shift requested" or "Pending" on the opportunity until their qualifications are approved at which point, they are just automatically added to the opportunity. Making the volunteers respond twice to one opportunity is bad for recruitment and completely outweighs the intended benefits of the qualifications tool.

Hi Josie,

I believe if an opportunity has all auto-approved qualifications, after the user submits them they should be re-routed back to the opportunity response page to finish up registration. Are you saying that they are not re-routed to this page, or does this page confuse folks and they do not know to scroll down to select shifts or confirm their response?

Once I know more here, I can make more detailed insights in my request notes. Happy to test on your site as well, if you prefer, to make sure I understand the workflow users are experiencing.



CX Specialist


To:Galaxy Digital <support@galaxydigital.com>
Mon 11/27/2023 10:01 AM

Hi Shonie!

That is correct, they are rerouted back to the opportunity page after filling out the auto-approve qualifications but in order to respond they have to click the "respond" button again. That is confusing for people because they already clicked "respond", so it seems like a glitch or many people have thought that they already responded just by filling out the qualifications, since they pressed that button to get there. Does that make sense? Please let me know if you need more details. 
Hi Shonie!

That is correct, they are rerouted back to the opportunity page after filling out the auto-approve qualifications but in order to respond they have to click the "respond" button again. That is confusing for people because they already clicked "respond", so it seems like a glitch or many people have thought that they already responded just by filling out the qualifications, since they pressed that button to get there. Does that make sense? Please let me know if you need more details. 

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to circle back here to update on where Josie and I got on this request!  I will update our notes on this to reflect the desire to simplify the registration to response process (less unneeded steps, direct to response page to select shift dates) when it comes to opportunities with auto-approved qualifications. I expect the same outcomes for existing users when they come across an auto-approved qualification that was not within initial registration. 




CX Specialist

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