Inactive Hours vs. Declined hours

Is there a way to add a bulk "Inactivate Hours" button to the hour's page (pic 1)? I prefer to use the inactive hours when we make mistakes adding too many hours because it does not show the hours that are declined on the user side and it also doesnt add those declined hours to their total hours(pic 2). 

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Hi Katie,

I wanted to send a reply to this post, so folks know that we are handling this in a ticket currently. Specifically, we are trying to understand how the duplicate hours were entered in bulk, and how we can prevent this from occurring again. This would effectively make it to where this request may not be necessary if we can prevent this from happening in the first place, in the future!

I will remain in contact with you in our email exchange, thank you!




CX Specialist

Hi Shonie, I appreciate the follow up but the main concern is in my first question regardless if there was a mistake or not: Is there a way to add a bulk "Inactivate Hours" button to the hour's page?

I agree that a way to bulk set hours to "inactive" would be very helpful.

The way we see multiple incorrect hours entered at one time is by Team Leaders entering hours for their Team.



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Thanks, Cody! Not to mention 'declining' calculates incorrect volunteer hours for that user. 

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Hi Katie and Cody,

I understand that in specific situations this would be helpful for site managers to have available to them. I've added "a way to bulk deactivate hour entries" to our list of enhancement requests to talk about with the team.

Thank you both for adding your insights!



CX Specialist

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