Add Registration Closed Date to Ongoing, Custom & Recurring Shifts

There is no Registration Closed Date option for ongoing, custom or recurring shifts. My agency has a recurring shift, but I need to know at least a week in advance if someone has signed up so that I can find another volunteer if the need is unfilled. I cannot effectively communicate with new volunteers if they sign up on the day of a shift. Communicating with volunteers prior to when they are supposed to volunteer is essential in managing volunteers effectively and ensuring they have the best volunteer experience possible, while also making the best use of my time and my organization's resources.

As it is now, in order to create a need with a Registration Closed Date I will have to create multiple Happens On Needs for the same task that happens at the same time on the same day each week. 

If you think this feature would be helpful for your agency, please 'like' this post so that it gets upvoted for the development team to actually consider.

Thank you.

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An ongoing need is, by definition, one that never expires, and this is why we don't have a "registration closed" date for it

For the shift needs, are you envisioning entering a specific "closed" date for each shift, or maybe a blanket "two days before shift" kind of thing? I can see the benefit of closing registration a certain number of days before each shift, but I'm trying to figure out what this would look like from the agency manager or site manager perspective.

For the time being, the best approach to take (if closing the shifts a week prior is a high priority) would be to use the "Happens On" need type in conjunction with the Clone Need" feature.

In the meantime, I can write up an enhancement request for this. If you can give me more details about how you'd like this to look, and also about the types of needs that are requiring sign-ups a week or more in advance, that would help me make a stronger case for it. Thanks!

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Please share more options! 

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This is a common sense addition that would be very beneficial and streamlined for agency managers. I hope the development team agrees!

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