
Cumulative Checked-In Users

Hi Team,

I am really liking the most recent system updates, thank you!

I feel another useful addition would be a cumulative number for how many people are in attendance right now for each opportunity. 

Checked-In Now (Program Manager view) is great, and in addition to seeing the names of each person I would like to see a running total of how many people are actually checked-in (ideally in the Check-In section). We can see the capacity and total responses and I would find it very helpful to have the number checked-in right here too. This is helpful in getting a quick overall look at how the shift is shaping up. 

It would be great if this running tally also existed on the Bulk Check-In page, maybe at the top and bottom next to the User Group menu.

When it gets to work time, the name of each volunteer is less important and how many people we have in attendance becomes the important piece of info. I'd be really happy if this was easily accessible to both Program and Site Managers.



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We would also benefit from this feature. Seeing the total number of checked-in users at a glance gives a useful data point.

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Hi Caitlin,

Yes, on the image you shared it would be great to see a Checked-In column between Responses and Select, and it would how many people have actually arrived.

This same number of actual arrivals would show on the Bulk Check-In page (after clicking Select This Shift). 

For Site Managers, this number could appear on on the Edit Shifts tab of the Update Opportunity page. There could be a column between Responses and Waitlist.



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Hi everyone,

Good news! We recently pushed a new enhancement sprint that includes visuals for the total number of users checked into a need (both Check In and Checked In Now tabs). Images below! You can read more about recent enhancements here.

Thanks, everyone for your feedback.


CX Specialist


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I was checking to see if there has been an update for this. We would also like to have a column that tells us how many volunteers are currently checked in to the shift. We often have shifts of up to 170 people and since I am usually having to work off my cell phone, it would be great to have this option easily accessible. We are constantly updating our warehouse staff on how many more volunteers we are waiting to check into the shift and it is not easy to scroll through and count each person, especially when using my phone. We would probably not have switched to Galaxy had we known this was not an option. It just does not work with our workflow. 

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Hi Cody,

Thank you for brainstorming here with me! Based on your feedback, here is what I'll propose for only Program Managers:

  • When viewing a particular need from the "Check-In" page, program managers would like to see the live totals of checked-in volunteers, in addition to total responses and total capacity.
  • Once "Select this Shift" has been clicked, program managers would like to see the total number of check-ins at the top and bottom of the bulk check-in page.

Please let me know if there's anything I've missed!

All the best,

Caitlin Lowe

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Hi Cody,

Thanks for taking the time to share this feedback in our product suggestion forum! Just so I'm sure I'm capturing everything you've brought up here, I'm summarizing the request below. Please take a look and let me know if I've missed anything!

  1. When viewing a particular need from the "Check-In" page, program managers would like to see the total number of check-in volunteers, in addition to total responses and total capacity
  2. Once "Select this Shift" has been clicked, program managers would like to see the total number of check-ins at the top and bottom of the bulk check-in page.

You mentioned you'd like site managers to see this as well. Is there a particular place you had in mind where they would access this information? 

I look forward to hearing from you!

All the best,


Hi Caitlin,

These are tough questions - thanks for making me think through it. :)

I think the number should change when someone checks out. We want to know how many people are present at any given moment. 

And as I think about this more, I don't think Site Managers need access to this info in the moment (they can simply switch over to Program Manager mode if necessary). Site Managers can pull attendance data from reports to show the difference between responses and check-ins.



Thanks for this update, it's so helpful!

Perfect, thank you!

Hi Cody,

Thank you for that information!

Based on your feedback, here is what I've gathered:

As a Site Manager, you would like to see Capacity, Responses, and Checked-In volunteers per shift, when viewing the Edit Shifts tab.

I have a few clarifying questions here:

  • Do you want this number to change once the volunteers have checked out?
  • Would Site Managers be keeping an eye on the number of checked in volunteers the day of the shift?
  • Or, will Site Managers revisit this page at a later date so they can review how many volunteers checked in?

I look forward to learning more about this use case!

All the best,


Hi Liz,

This is some really good feedback, especially knowing you like to also view this on your mobile device. I will make a note of this in our current notes on this request.

There has currently not been movement on this request in regards to it being added to the software quite yet. However, if it does get put in place I will be sure to update this forum post thread (this will also alert you via email).

Thanks again,


CX Specialist


Hi Christopher,

Thanks so much, Christopher! I will add your vote towards this popular request as well to the team's notes. We appreciate you taking the time to post and give this request more traction!

Happy new year to you,


CX Specialist


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