Confusion around "Open Spots"


I've heard from multiple volunteers that it's confusing that the volunteer opportunities show the list of open spots. With our old system, they were used to seeing the number of people signed up. 

Could it be possible for site managers to have an option of two different views? One that shows "Open Spots" and one that shows "Volunteer Responses" or some other over-rideable language?

- Holly

Hi Holly,

Thanks for your patience with my response as well!

If the Show Full Opportunities setting in Settings > Main Settings is set to "Yes, and enable waitlist when full", your users do get a Waitlist button for that particular full shift on the opportunity information page. When they hover over it, it says this message:

If you have that same setting, but have "Yes" selected (without a waitlist enabled), the button will state "Full":

So, the good news is this is already in place within the software! When a user tries to respond as a team to a shift that is full without scrolling down to this table and seeing this pop up (just going ahead and clicking Respond as a Team), this is the messaging they will see as they select the shifts they are interested in. They have visibility on the "Remaining Slots" and the "Responses" columns, too. Upon hovering, they will see "Team too large for this shift" and the shift greyed out, because there are 0 slots remaining:

Can you clarify what your enhancement request is in regards to the total number of open spots still available for a shift or opportunity? I want to make sure I understand what your users need and that I log it properly.

Thanks as always, Holly!


CX Specialist

She / Her

Hi Shonie, thanks so much for your thorough response. 

I guess the issue is more that when volunteers see 40 of 40 sometimes they think the spots are full. My preference would be for this to be a count-up of people signed up, instead of a countdown of open spots left. But maybe there's nothing that can be done about it! Thanks for thinking it through with me!

- Holly

Hi Shonie! I see I never responded to this! 

We mostly use shifted opportunities, and sometimes they fill up really fast. When the screenshot above shows "0 of 40" people think that means the opportunity is wide open and they contact me about why they can't register a team. And then I have to tell them that 0 of 40 means it is full already.

I think it's more common for people to see a number like this counting up (as in how many signed up) instead of counting down (how many open spots remaining). 

My new suggestion would be for shifts that are full "0 of 40" to have an additional visual indicator that the shift is full. What if the button to the right showed up as red or grey and said "waitlist only" or "shift full" so that people can more easily understand that "0 of 40" means full, not empty.

Thanks for your help, and for your grace with my lack of response!

Hi Holly,

No problem at all! Thanks so much for helping me to understand the end goal. I have updated our notes for your request, to better reflect what you are seeking.

I appreciate the help and your thoughts on our software, always! Have a wonderful rest of the week.



CX Specialist

she / her

Hi Holly,

Sorry for the wait on a response to this suggestion! Just to confirm, is this on the Volunteer perspective when they are reviewing an Opportunity?

From what I understand, your volunteers are not only interested in seeing the spots remaining, but also the number of people that have already signed up. Is that correct?

Shifted Opportunities do show this information on a shift-by-shift basis on an Opportunity page, would volunteers wants something similar for non-shift-based Opportunities as well?

Let me know what you think or if I missed the mark!

Shonie Kuykendall

CX & Data Specialist

Galaxy Digital 

Pronouns: she, her, hers

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