
Add percentages to email blast stats

A simple, seemingly quick enhancement....please add a column for the % open and click rates for eblasts sent through the site so we don’t have to do the math. Specifically, 

add a column for "Percentage" that shows the total of each sub-status as a percentage off of the total number of emails sent (not skipped) for your email blasts? 


Yes!!! Thank you!!!

Hi Brooke,

Just wanted to circle back here with some good news! We've recently updated the Email Stats area to include percentages in regards to each sub-status. We hope this improves your workflow.

Thanks again for bringing this idea to us.



CX Specialist

She / Her

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Hi Brooke, thanks for reaching out! 

Improving our standard reports is something we are working on, so we appreciate your feedback on this. 

For enhancement requests related to reporting, we are gathering a list of updates and improvements that our admins would like to see, so that we can dedicate part of a future release to making the reports more useful and easier to navigate. I will make sure that this request is considered when we are working on this project.

Thanks for all you do!

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