Ability to turn "respond" off for a volunteer opportunity


Sometimes we post volunteer opportunities that require a more complex application process. It would be nice if we could turn off the "respond" feature to volunteer opportunities (similar to how we can turn off RSVPs to events). That way volunteers will be unable to respond to something through the normal way.  Typically this is because we have provided a link in the volunteer description that will take them to a more complex application form.

Of course, being able to more customize the response questions for each volunteer opportunity would help with this problem as well.  But simply turning off the respond feature could be an easier solution for the short term.


Hi Vanessa, 

Thank you for your further explanation! You are correct that Qualifications need to be set up by a Site Manager. I will go ahead and record your request to allow Agency Managers and Site Managers to post Opportunities without allowing responses. 

Thank you and have a great day!


Hi Vanessa, 

I hope you are having a nice week so far! From my understanding, you would like to promote Opportunities without allowing volunteers to respond to those Opportunities until they have completed an application form. I am happy to record your suggestion, but while I have you, I also wanted to mention a current feature on your site called Qualifications. 

Using Qualifications, you can present your Opportunity to your volunteers. When they click "Respond", they are stopped from completing their response by a pop up that instructs them to answer a question, sign a waiver, or upload a document. From my understanding of your use case, you can add a Qualification directing users to complete an application to your Opportunity. When a user clicks Respond to your Opportunity, they will get a Qualification telling them to fill out the application. 

Once someone interacts with a Qualification, the system will set them to "pending", and they will not be able to respond to that Opportunity until you approve them. You can learn more about Qualifications in this article. 

Do Qualifications sound like they would be a good solution? If so, please let me know! If those don't quite sound right, I'm happy to document your request. 

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you!


Hi Autumn,

That could be a work around. Because qualifications must be set-up by site managers, it means that program/agency managers would need to connect with site managers to get that all set-up. In certain situations, giving the program managers the ability to turn off responses and add a link to a Google Form in the volunteer description would be a speedier process and give them more control over their opportunities.


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