Creation Dates for Qualifications

Hello, I have a suggestion for managing qualifications -- it is helpful for me to look at inactive qualifications to see how we have set them up in the past (and what we have tested), and I wish there were dates associated with the creation or modification of the different qualifications. Is that possible? What about the amount of time a waiver was active? Knowing when they were created/used would make it a lot easier to find what I'm looking for. Below is what I see when I go to inactive waivers -- it's a real mess because multiple people have been responsible for figuring out how to upload a new waiver, and I have no real way to distinguish them.


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Hi, Holly, 

Wow! Thanks for adding this information for people in the forums. I'll definitely also add this to the suggestion request for context as our enhancement team considers which enhancements to move forward with. 

I hope you're having a nice day!

Maia Price
Galaxy Digital CX

Maia, I think I have a fix for my own issue -- titling Qualifications with the dates they are/were valid, like the top three below. This really helps me sort out the mess!


Hi, Holly,

Ah! I completely understand. Thanks for adding the clarification!

I will notate that with our enhancements team and will add "the ability to see which site manager created a qualification."

Maia Price
Galaxy Digital CX

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Maia, I am procrastinating other tasks and scrolling the product suggestion forum and I see I never responded to you! Yes, you've got it! Because we've done so much testing with waivers, I can't tell which ones were actually used. Would be awesome if there was a "date created" and "dates active" column for qualifications and waivers -- what about the option to see which site manager created them?


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Hi, Holly,

Thanks for bringing this up and posting to the forum! I can definitely understand where it would be helpful record keeping to know when a qualification was active. I'll pass on this to our enhancements team:

"The ability for the qualification table to have a "date created" and a "dates active" column in the site manager view." and "The ability for the waiver table to have a "date created" and "dates active" column." Does this seem to be a correct summation?


Maia Price
Galaxy Digital CX

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