Ongoing Opportunity Date Change

It would be more helpful for an ongoing opportunity to not have the default date be when the opportunity was created but the current date. This will ensure that the correct date information is being provided for reporting purposese.

2 people like this idea

Hi Hilary,

Hope you have been well since this was posted! I'm not sure the exact time this change was done within the past year or so, but your request has been implemented. I wanted to update this forum post, in case anyone else happened upon it. Now, when users track hours for an ongoing need, the "Hours Worked" field will not auto-populate, and users will input their date choice for when they worked.



CX Specialist


Hi Hillary,

Thank you for sharing that screenshot! Based on our conversation via email, I've submitted the following request: " Don't auto-populate a "Date Worked" for Ongoing Needs, so to prevent Volunteers from accidentally associating their hours with the incorrect date worked".

If there's anything else that needs to be added, just let me know!

Thank you,


Hi Caitlin,

It is under the hours tab when you are adding hours to an ongoing opportunity. Below is a screenshot.



Hi Hillary,

Thank you for posting in our forum! Can you please let me know where this default date is currently appearing? Is this when the user is logging hours? When viewing the opportunity from the site manager panel under Volunteerism > Needs? Or somewhere else?

This will help me share the most accurate enhancement request with our developers!

Thank you,


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