Cancelation Log

Hi all,

It would be useful to us to have a list of all cancelations. Right now we have to click into each volunteer's record to see their specific cancelation(s). I would like to see a list, similar to Volunteerism>Responses, showing a cumulative list of cancelations. 

This will help us figure out when a last minute hole opens up in a shift, or to see trends if an individual tends to cancel at the last minute frequently, and/or quickly find if a person accidentally cancels. 

I could see this being another sub-head under the Responses category, next to OPPORTUNITY RESPONSES, AEM RESPONSES, and LEGACY DRM RESPONSES.



5 people like this idea

Hi Cody, thanks for clarifying! I'm going to reach out to you in a ticket, and we can talk about they best way to get the reporting you need there. I look forward to chatting, have a great day!

Hi Eli,

Yes, that's it exactly. This could replace the "A Volunteer Has Unregistered From Your Need" email. 

I would like this as a list I could access when needed rather than receiving emails every time (I have turned off the email preference but this list would still be helpful). 



2 people like this

Hi Cody, thanks for reaching out! By cancellations, are you referring to a situation where a volunteer signs up for an opportunity and then removes their response?

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