Assign Volunteer Value by Role

Would it be possible to assign volunteer value by role instead of one value for all roles?  We have grant reporting and state reporting that require calcualting the impact by role. I noticed someone made this same request 8 mos ago.  Thank you!

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Hi Diane and Paige, 

Thank you for your suggestions! From my understanding, instead of the Impact Value being the same for all Opportunities/Needs, you would like the Impact Value to be assigned when creating each Opportunity/Need. Does that sound right or am I missing the mark? 

Thank you!


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I would also love to see this feature added! Rates vary with the wide range of volunteer roles we have. Thanks!

Yes, that is correct!

Hi Paige, 

Wonderful! I am adding this to our enhancements board for our development team to review. We will let you know if there is any news on this suggestion. 

I hope you have a great rest of your day!


Thank you very much! That is correct.

You're very welcome, Diane! 

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