Add Subject Line as a filter for notifications

Hi! I just realized how helpful it would be to add a filter for subject lines. Sometimes I don't know the "name" of the template I need to edit -- I only know what the subject line is because someone has responded to that email. It would be hugely helpful if there was a filter for email Subject Line, or if I could somehow search for the subject line. This is especially true for the different team notifications. thanks for considering!


2 people like this idea

Holly, I was just getting on here to suggest the same idea. We receive the email and realize it needs to be edited but currently have no way to find it easily in the system. Being able to search for or sort by subject line would be a big help.

Hi Janelle and good afternoon,

I hope you’re doing well, and thank you for supporting this suggestion! I have added “the ability to filter notifications by subject” to our list of product suggestions, and I’ll make sure to discuss this with the rest of the team.

Have a great day!

All the best,


Cirũ Franklin

Galaxy Digital Customer Experience

Data Specialist

Pronouns: She, her, hers



Hi Holly, thanks for writing in! 

I can definitely see how this would be a useful way to search for email notifications, and I have added your idea to our list of product suggestions to review. Have a great day!

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