Instantly Reject Pending Agency

Lately I have had a lot of bots creating agencies. When you go to approve agencies, there is only the options of: imported, active, and inactive. I do not want this "bot" agency in my database. There should be an option to decline the agency for these cases. 

Thank you Eli! I appreciate your reply and am happy to hear it will be brought up at the next enhancement meeting. The Galaxy Digital team has been great about deleting them for me as we wait and see if something is implemented for site managers to take care of it themselves. Thanks for the great support!

Thank you for writing in! This issue has been happening more more frequently overall, and we'd like to empower our site managers to remove fake and/or spam agencies from their site completely. We appreciate your feedback here, and I can definitely understand why you'd like to be able to permanently remove these agencies from your site.

I will make sure to bring this to the team in our next enhancement meeting so we can discuss the best way to implement something like this!

Have a great day,

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