
Expired qualifications in the user filter

Currently, a manager can search for a qualification that IS expired. There is no way to filter for qualifications that will expire, say, a month from now. It would be useful to be able to enter an advance date as well. e.g.

Volunteer - Qualification- will expire by - enter date

This would enable us to have advance notification that qualifications are going to expire soon and remind volunteers to update them.


Cathy Pensyl

Citizen Corps of Delaware County

Hey Cathy,

I wanted to update this older forum post to let you know that this year we created a new report called the "Qualification Status Review" report. It is found in Reports > Users section. The tab for "Detail" will give you options on reviewing those with qualifications expiring soon.

We hope this will be or has been helpful for your workflow!



CX Specialist


Hi Cathy and good afternoon,

I hope you’re doing well, and thank you so much for your suggestion! I have added “a And/Any > Volunteer > Qualification > expires by > [Date] User Filter option” to our list of product suggestions, and I’ll make sure to discuss this with the rest of the team. Please let me know if I captured this correctly, and if not, I’ll be happy to make some changes to my post.

Have a great day!

Cirũ Franklin

Galaxy Digital Customer Experience

Data Specialist

Pronouns: She, her, hers

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