Delete from shifts

Why does the delete from shifts remove all the past history?  I was using it assuming it would cancel all future shifts.  But it deleted all the shifts my volunteer had worked and even approved hours.  This causes a lot of work and frustration to go resubmit hours that had been worked and approved. At least there should be a choice between All shifts and future shifts.

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I just want to boost this product suggestion! I did not realize this deleted previous responses until last week, and, as a result, it deleted all of the users' hours associated with those responses, which was a huge bummer. Fortunately, the galaxy digital team has been able to help resolve this, but I would love for this to never happen to anyone else. 

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Thank you for responding.  Yes, you understand my request correctly.  I have always assumed that it meant future shifts, so I'm afraid many people have lost hours because of my mistake.  It wasn't until recently that it was brought to my attention.  Thank you for considering this change in your next meeting.

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Hello, Miranda!

Thank you for sharing your support for this enhancement. I'll go ahead and add your vote of support for our enhancement team to consider! 

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. 


Hello Jennie!

Thank you for sharing your suggestion—I can see how that would be frustrating. Right now, there isn’t a way to delete only future shifts for a user in the scheduling tool. This is only available to do in bulk for one or all of their shift responses, including past shifts. 

If you remove shift responses that have attached, active hour entries, this does deactivate those responses and also hides those hours from the user’s profile. The good news is that they can still be accessed from the site manager panel to be reported on.

Hour entries are hidden from the user’s profile and view because the software uses their response in order to tie those hours back to their account. When responses are deactivated, they get hidden because there is no longer that link back to the user.

I hope this gives a bit of background on what’s happening here! I will go ahead and write up your suggestion for our next enhancements meeting, but just to make sure I have your request correct, is this what you’re suggesting: 

“Site Managers have the ability to delete future shifts only in the scheduling tool without any past hours being deleted from the user’s profile.”

In the meantime, if responses tied to active hour entries are deactivated by accident, please reach out to for help reinstating them.

Thank you again for your suggestion!

Kind Regards, 

Brittany "Bee" Crow

Thank you for confirming that and no problem at all—we appreciate you voicing this as something you'd like added to the software! 

Our development team is happy to reinstate all inactive responses tied to active hour entries if this is something you think may have happened recently, at no additional cost. Feel free to send a ticket in and one of our data specialists will be happy to help you! 

Have a wonderful weekend!


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