Partial matches in user filter by registration question

When searching through my users, as well as sending out email blasts, I often use the filter that sorts by answers to registration questions. It works great for the questions that have radio button answers (example: what size t-shirt are you, and the options are listed), but I have trouble when I search other questions that are left open ended for the volunteer to fill out.

The example is with our registration questions like "What is your local church" or "What is your local neighborhood". I can't possibly list all the churches and neighborhoods in town, so there isn't a way to have the answers as buttons or dropdown, but this makes it difficult to search by because the search criteria has to be worded exactly the same as what they put. If I am searching "Golden Gate Estates", but they typed "GG Estates" as their neighborhood, it won't come up. It would be great if I could just search "Estates" to catch anyone who had that word in their answer. 

This would help greatly when needing to email a particular group of volunteers based on their affiliations.

Yes, that is exactly it. Thank you!

Hi Colleen,

Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion for enhancing the user filter! I appreciate your example around when this could be used, it was very helpful to have a practical example of the application and benefits this enhancement would provide. 

I will add this request to our list of suggested enhancements for review, to make sure I am capturing your request correctly is this a good summary of your suggestion: allow the ability to search by keyword when filtering for responses to registration questions in the user filter? Please let me know if I have missed anything or if you have any additional information you'd like to share!

Have a great day!


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