Custom shifts as teams-only

I would like to create shifts for teams under the same opportunity that individuals sign up for. We usually create teams for groups, vs them create a team for themselves. I have the opportunity set to "allow teams? Yes." 

I would also like to be able to add new shifts that are for teams only so individuals do not have a chance to respond in the time it takes between me adding shifts and getting a team signed up. 

Thank you for adding this to your enhancement requests. The reason we would like to keep this under the main opportunity, rather than creating a private opportunity for only groups, is because we sometimes have groups who do not have a full team, and we want the ability to add individual volunteers when a group does not fill up.

Hi, Miranda,

Thanks for reaching out! Currently, for this process you describe, we recommend creating a separate private opportunity that is either assigned to a user group (thereby making it visible to those in the user group) or sending them the direct link to the private opportunity.

In the meantime, I will log in our enhancements requests: "The ability for site managers and/or program managers to reserve a shift for a specific user group" and will add to the request "The ability to rename shifts within an opportunity."


Maia Price
Customer Success

I would also appreciate if I could change the title for particular days. Ex: "Johnson Village: Women Build Day," or, "Johnson Village: Rotary Club." 

I ask this because, when individual volunteers see that the shift is full, they add themselves to the waitlist, not realizing this day was reserved for a group. 

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