Linking Profiles

Hi Galaxy,

Is there a way to link a user profile? For example, if a parent volunteers (profile 1) with their 2 young children (profile 2 &3) is there a way to link profile 2 & 3 to profile 1? Creating in a sense, a family(user) tree. 

I ask because we have situations where the parent will create a team (ex: Team of 3) and only register themselves, leaving the other 2 'slots reserved' without adding the children's names and getting waivers signed. It would be helpful to the parent if their children's account was somehow associated to their profile. Does that make sense?

This would be different then the Team feature. Teams bind that group to a specific shift, rather the idea would have users 2 & 3 be assesible to user 1 to easily register all 3 at once.

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Yes, parents would have easier access to be able to sign the COPPA waiver and our own waiver if there were to access there children's accounts through their own

Hi Katie,

Thanks! I understand the desire to connect family accounts, I think I might need more clarification about the waiver piece. 

Currently, the parent/guardian portion of the COPPA waiver as well as those for the Adult/Minor waivers on the site get sent to them via email notification to access and sign. With COPPA, there is a 30-day period in which the guardian has to sign the waiver. As a note, guardians do not need to have a user account on a site in order to receive these notifications and sign a waiver for their child. If the waiver is not signed by the parent once the 30-day window has passed, the minor (under 13) will no longer be able to have a personal account/use the site. If parents are having issues receiving these notifications to sign on their end, ahead of a shift, please let us know at support.

Would these ideas meet your needs in regards to how this would interact with team creation, if connecting family accounts existed and this was a possibility?

  1. When creating a team, and the parent/guardian has connected minor accounts, and they try to add reserved slots, then
    • The parent/guardian is asked if the reserved slots are associated with a minor account(s)
    • If yes, they can select the specific minor(s) to add to the team
    • If the minor account(s) have not fulfilled a waiver(s), the parent/guardian will have the chance to fulfill them on their behalf (parent and/or minor pieces) before proceeding
  2. When creating a team, and the parent/guardian has connected minor accounts, and they try to add the minor account(s) to the team by name, and if the minor account(s) have not fulfilled a waiver(s), the parent/guardian will have the chance to fulfill them on their behalf (parent and minor pieces) before proceeding 

Let me know if I am understanding your request! In the meantime, I would highly recommend email blasting your users to let them know about the new COPPA changes, how this effects minor volunteerism on your site, and how their kids can have accounts if they would like (and if so, how they can add them to a team accordingly).



CX Specialist


Hi Shonie, 

There isn't an issue glitch-wise but it would be more user friendly if the parent could get all waivers (regardless if COPPA or ours) signed in one log-in rather than signing into their children's accounts individually. 

Hi Katie,

I understand and will add this to our notes to review on our end as a few requests. Specifically covering a way to connect family accounts in the software, a way to alert a guardian in the "family" about replacing reserved slots with their children's accounts, as well as a way to have the guardian of the family have access to submitting their children's waivers waivers.

I hope this covers everything! 



CX Specialist


Hi Katie,

Currently, there is not a way to "link" user accounts on the site. I will add this to our notes to review as a team at a future meeting! Just to clarify a couple additional points, for the "child" accounts, would the "parent" user have access to making changes to those accounts as well? Or, is it just important to tie families together in the software?



CX Specialist


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