Time of shift in users scedule

Is it possible to add the time frame (ex:10:00am-1:00pm) of the shift to the pop-up info that appears when you hover over the shift name in the User's profile? similar to how it looks when you hover over the shift name in Scheduling

1 person likes this idea

Hey Katie,

Thank you for the clarification and feedback! I’ll be sure to share this request with our enhancements team. 



Hi KJ,

Yes, that is correct. Although this shift title includes the time frame already, so not the best example!

But, yes, having the time frame in this pop up would be helpful!

Thanks for your response.


Thank you so much for sending in your suggestion. Before I pass this onto our team to review and consider for a future software update, I want to be sure that I’m looking in the right place. Is this the area that you would want the time frame to show up in? 

This screenshot is from Volunteerism > Users > Select User to Edit > Scheduling tab.

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