Accessible Data to Program Managers

It would be very helpful in our workflow to allow Program managers see the data that is collected via the initiative questions. Allowing program managers to see the 'opportunity response by initiative' report and only showing initiatives that are in their program would be amazing. Currently, I'm having to download that report, along with each response's resume qualification, to respective program managers.

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Hi Heather,

Thanks for your reply. I am very interested in that custom report and would like more information, that would be very helpful!

Thank you,


Hi Jessica, 

Sounds great! I'll reach out to you with more details via direct email shortly.


Heather Adler
Data Specialist at Galaxy Digital

Hi Jessica, 

Thank you for writing in! Advanced program managers in Community and Amplify sites do currently have access to user's answers to the initiative questions by going to their Volunteerism > Responses page and exporting the responses as a spreadsheet. By scrolling all the way to the right on this sheet, managers can view each user's answer to all custom response questions, as well as initiative questions. 

Alternatively, if you're looking to get this data alongside qualification information, we could always create a custom report for you. Let me know if that's something you'd be interested in, and I can send you more information on that. 

Let me know if this response export will get your program managers the data they're looking for! I'd be happy to brainstorm in a different direction if I've missed the mark.


Heather Adler
Data Specialist at Galaxy Digital

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