Add Opportunity Status

Hi all,

I would like to see another status for opportunities, with the ability for Managers to make all changes necessary and not have the public be able to access the opportunity.

We are currently posting new shifts once a month and it is sometimes a race against volunteers. We have agreed in advance to hold some spaces for certain groups, and sometimes other volunteers respond before we can post the shift and respond as a team, leaving not enough space. 

We would like to be able to create the shift and respond for a team, all behind the scenes, without the chance of others booking before us. A new status, like "admin" or "editing" would be helpful. It would have all the functionality of an active shift for Managers, but would be inactive for the public. 


Another possibility would be to have another type of Privacy. Privacy is helpful but all the users who have responded in the past still have access to the opportunity.


Thanks for your consideration!


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Hi Deborah! Thank you for adding your voice to this request! I'll mark down in our discussion notes that you're also in favor of this enhancement. 

Have a lovely rest of your week! 

Heather Adler
Data Specialist at Galaxy Digital

I love this idea Cody!!

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Hi Cody, 

Thank you for writing in! I absolutely see how this could be helpful to managers who are still making final edits to an opportunity in general, and especially in those cases where certain teams need to be assigned to the opportunity before it goes fully public. Your mention of the privacy was also something I thought of, and you bring up a good point there as well about those users who already responded being able to still view the opportunity! 

I'll write up your feature request as follows, for us to discuss at a future enhancement meeting: 

  • Add additional status to opportunities ("Editing"/"Admin", etc) to allow for changes to be made without the opportunity being live to the front end of the site
  • Have this status allow managers to schedule teams to the opportunity and/or any specific, relevant shifts (purpose being, teams can be signed up at manager's discretion before general users can respond and take capacity slots)
  • Potentially have a third privacy option that allows prevents users with active responses to the opportunity from being able to view or interact with it

Thank you again for letting us know your suggestions! Have a lovely rest of your week, 

Heather Adler
Data Specialist at Galaxy Digital

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