Get Connected's standard automated notifications include messages that relate to agency needs. This article focuses on need-related messages that are sent to agency managers. Click here to learn about the messages that are sent to volunteers who respond to a need.
Note: For information on automated notifications in Get Connected, see the article Automated Notification Messages. For an index of all notification messages, see Index of Automated Notification Templates in Get Connected.
The following need-related notifications are sent to Agency Managers:
- Agency Need Expiration Notification
- Agency Need Happens On Notification
- Agency Need Rejection
- Notice of Need Response
- Ongoing Need Notification
- Notification of Unregistered Volunteer
- Agency Manager Digest Email
Agency Need Expiration Notification
This message goes to the agency manager who has posted a need with a duration of "Runs Until."
The message is sent seven days before the need's "Runs Until" date. The default message informs the agency manager that the need is about to expire and provides a link for updating the need as desired.
By default, the Agency Need Expiration Notification template includes the following tags, or template keys:
Template Key | Description (Text that replaces the key in the message) |
to_firstname | First name of the recipient |
to_lastname | Last name of the recipient |
need_title | Title of the need |
agency_name | Name of the agency |
loginLink | Link that enables the recipient to log into his or her account and update the need |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Agency Need Happens On Notification
This message goes to the agency manager who has posted a non–advanced-event need that has a duration of "Happens On."
The message sent seven days prior to the need date, and again on the day before it. The default message reminds the agency manager that the need is happening soon and provides a link for updating the need or accessing volunteer information for export.
By default, this template includes the following tags, or template keys:
Template Key | Description (Text that replaces the key in the message) |
to_firstname | First name of the recipient |
to_lastname | Last name of the recipient |
need_title | Title of the need |
need_description | Description of the need |
agency_name | Name of the agency |
loginLink | Link that enables the recipient to log into his or her account and update the need |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Note: The user equivalent of this notification is the Upcoming Need Reminder template.
Agency Need Rejection
If your Site Settings require a Site Manager's approval for new needs, then the Site Manager will have the option of approving or rejecting a need. If you approve the need, no further notifications are sent. If you reject the need, however, the agency manager will receive the Agency Need Rejection notification.
This message informs the agency manager that a need has been rejected and encourages them to reach out to the Site Manager if they need to clarify the issue.
By default, the Agency Need Rejection template includes the following tags, or template keys:
Template Key | Description (Text that replaces the key in the message) |
to_firstname | First name of the recipient |
to_lastname | Last name of the recipient |
to_email | Email of the recipient |
need_title | Title of the need |
need_description | Description of the need |
need_id | Identification number of the need, assigned by Galaxy Digital |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Notice of Need Response
This notification, which is sent to the agency manager, is triggered whenever someone responds to a need posted by that agency. The message provides the details that the volunteer entered on the need response form.
Note: This template was previously titled "Need Response Notice Agency."
Here's an example of how this template looks when received by an agency manager:
If a volunteer responds to one or more shifts of a need that has custom or recurring shifts, those shift dates and times will be included in the message, as shown in this example:
By default, the "Notice of Need Response" template includes the following tags, or template keys:
Template Key | Description (Text that replaces the key in the message) |
site_name | The name of your site |
site_link | Your site's domain |
message | Need title; volunteer's name, email address, availability (as indicated in their user profile), and any other information entered on the need response form. If they left any fields blank, those fields (such as "Address" in the image below) will show up as blank in the notification. |
agency_name | Name of the agency |
user_fname | Volunteer's first name |
user_lname | Volunteer's last name |
user_email | Volunteer's email address |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Note: A need response triggers two notifications: this one, and the Need Response Thank You message.
Ongoing Need Notification
This message goes to the agency manager who has posted a need with a duration of "Is Ongoing."
Ninety days after the need is added (or updated), this message goes to the agency manager. In addition to reminding the manager that the need is there, it provides a link to the site in case the manager wants to update the need.
Note: This message is sent only once per need update. For example, if Myrtle posts an ongoing need on January 1, she'll receive the Ongoing Need Notification message on April 1. If she opts to update the need then, she'll get another notification on July 1. If she doesn't update it, though, she won't receive this notification again.
By default, the Ongoing Need Notification template includes the following tags, or template keys:
to_firstname | First name of the recipient |
agency_name | Name of the agency |
need_title | Title of the need |
loginLink | Link that enables the recipient to log into his or her account and update the need |
site_url | Web address of your Get Connected site |
lsite_name | Name of your Get Connected site |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Tip: If an agency manager wants to be notified more often for an ongoing need, suggest that they classify the need as "Runs Until." They can set the "Runs Until" date to whenever they want and will receive the Agency Need Expiration Notification message seven days before their selected date.
Notification of Unregistered Volunteer
When a volunteer unregisters from an agency's posted need, this message is sent to the agency managers and anyone who is listed as an "additional notification recipient" for the need.
By default, this notification template includes the following tags, or template keys:
to_firstname | Agency manager's first name |
to_lastname | Agency manager's last name |
to_email | Age of the recipient (the agency manager) |
user_fname | Unregistered volunteer's first name |
user_lname | Unregistered volunteer's last name |
need_title | Title of the need |
need_description | Description of the need |
site_name | Name of the site |
site_url | Web address of your Get Connected site |
agency_link | Link to the agency's profile page |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Agency Manager Digest Email
Generated every Wednesday at 2:00 a.m. Central Time, the agency manager digest informs primary and secondary agency managers on your site of the following:
- Agency stats (views, fans, need responses, and hours posted) for the week
- Needs that are set to expire within the next seven days
- Ongoing needs that may need to be updated
In addition, the digest includes links to the following portions of the agency management area:
- Stats (to see page-view and fan data)
- Time Tracking (to approve pending hours)
- Needs (to view or update needs)
If desired, you can use this notification to replace the following notifications:
- Agency Need Expiration Notification
- Agency Need Happens On Notification
- Ongoing Need Notification
- Pending Hours Notification for Agency
Available Template Keys
By default, this notification template includes the following tags, or template keys:
Template Key | Description |
agency_name | Name of the recipient's agency |
to_firstname | Recipient's first name |
to_lastname | Recipient's last name |
to_email | Recipient's email address |
site_name | Name of the Connect site |
site_link | Link to the Connect site |
message | Customized message for the agency manager |
signature | Your site's custom signature |
Text of the {{message}} Template Key
The {{message}} key pulls the following text:
- This Week's Stats - shows views, new fans, responses, and hours submitted for the week
- Hours Pending Review - shows the number of pending hours waiting for review
- Expiring Needs - shows how many needs will expire in the next week
- Ongoing Needs Older than 90 Days - shows how many ongoing needs have not been edited in the past 90 days
The {{message}} text cannot be edited. All other text (outside of the template keys) on this notification can be edited as described above.