
Export to Calendar

We would love to be able to export our volunteer need responses to a calendar. 

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This would be a very practical feature to have. I know I use this often when scheduling webinars online and the confirmation includes the ability to add to my calendar. Very handy.

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Hi, Patti,

Can you give me a little more information? Are you asking to be able to click to have a need added to a calendar from another application, such as Outlook or Google Calendar?


It would be most helpful if we could filter need responders by "time slot" response. For example, I have 1 need for 2/10/2017. There are 2 time slots available to respond to. I would have liked to have been able to send separate reminder emails to the responders for each time slot (as there were different parking instructions, etc) through the communications module in the system. Instead, I had to export the responders to Excel, sort by response time, put them into a blind email in get the picture.

We will soon be unveiling version 2.10, which includes schedule calendars for site managers, agency managers, and volunteers. Site managers and agency managers can see who has responded for what day, and volunteers can see what needs they've scheduled themselves for.

In addition, the confirmation messages (sent to volunteers when they respond to a need) will also include, when applicable, a link to add the need to their calendar.

We don't yet have the ability for site managers to export volunteer responses to their calendars, but we have it in our list of enhancements we will consider for a future build. Thanks!

Hey everyone,


Yay! We've implemented Google calendar integration into our software. Users are now able to add responses into their calendar. Thank you for your suggestion and helping us constantly improve our software!



Customer Experience Specialist

She / Her

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